April 25, 2023; Mumbai; India: Chennai’s cherished brand, Sundari Silks, celebrated the grand opening of their new flagship store in Vile Parle, Mumbai, in the presence of Bollywood actress Esha Deol. The actress, looking stunning in a pink Kanjivaram saree from Sundari Silks, cut the ribbon, marking the beginning of a new chapter for the renowned South Indian brand.
The new Sundari Silks store in Vile Parle offers a more expansive and immersive shopping experience to its customers. The standalone showroom, with its warm Chettinad welcome and ambiance reflecting Indian heritage, is a testament to the brand’s commitment to preserving and promoting the country’s diverse weaving traditions.
The store houses a vast collection of weaves from different regions of India, including Kanjivarams from Tamil Nadu and Pashminas from Kashmir. Sundari Silks caters to the whole family, offering readymade shirts, kurtas, and dhotis for men, ethnic pattu pavadais and frocks for girls, and salwar fabrics and readymade kurta sets for women.